Call for Applications: French Book Reviews Editor for Papers / Cahiers

The Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) is seeking applications for the position of French Book Reviews Editor for the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada / Cahiers de la Société bibliographique du Canada. See the full posting in French for more details.

Call for applications: 2023 Emerging Scholar Prize

The Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) invites applications for the Emerging Scholar Prize. The Prize promotes the work of a researcher who is beginning a career in the fields of book history and bibliography broadly defined, including a study of the creation, production, publication, distribution, transmission, history, and uses of printed books, manuscripts, or electronic texts. Preference will be given to topics with a Canadian dimension.

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Call for applications: 2022 Emerging Scholar Prize

The Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) invites applications for the Emerging Scholar Prize. The Prize promotes the work of a researcher who is beginning a career in the fields of book history and bibliography broadly defined, including a study of the creation, production, publication, distribution, transmission, history, and uses of printed books, manuscripts, or electronic texts. Preference will be given to topics with a Canadian dimension.

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2022 Marie Tremaine Fellowship – Call for applications

The Bibliographical Society of Canada invites applications for the Marie Tremaine Fellowship. Deadline for application: December 12, 2021.

The Marie Tremaine Fellowship is offered in memory and through the generosity of Marie Tremaine (1902-1984), the doyenne of Canadian bibliographers. The Fellowship was instituted in 1987 and is offered annually to support the work of a scholar engaged in some area of bibliographical research, including textual studies and publishing history and with a particular emphasis on Canada. The amount of the Fellowship is $2,000.00. The recipient of the Marie Tremaine Fellowship also receives a free one-year membership in the society.

For further details and to download an application form please see the Fellowship page at