Documenting Social Movement: Bibliography, Archives, and Protest

Documenting Social Movement: Bibliography, Archives, and Protest
March 6, 2023
10am PT/1 pm ET/ 6pm BST

Despite working under precarious and hostile circumstances, oppressed groups have produced an enduring archive of records and media that document their struggles. Preserving and accessing these materials poses various challenges. When collected at all, surviving documents are scattered across multiple collections of personal papers or organizational records in one or more repositories. To address this and other concerns, community-based institutions have been founded, with explicit mandates to collect such materials. Posters, pamphlets, and other protest ephemera have also increasingly been sought by academic libraries. Join us for a presentation by representatives from collecting institutions in Canada, England, and the United States of America who will discuss the history, status, and vitality of their social movement collections. Pre-recorded talks by representatives from three institutions will be followed by a live, moderated discussion.

This presentation is sponsored jointly by the Bibliographical Society (UK), the Bibliographical Society of America, and the Bibliographical Society of Canada and will be presented in English, with captions in both English and French. Presentations will be broadcast on YouTube Premier, but registration is required to attend the discussion.

Please find the registration page here.


Call for book reviews for volume 60 (2023) of Papers/Cahiers

We are seeking book reviews for volume 60 (2023) of Papers/Cahiers. Book reviewing with us is an opportunity to get familiar with the latest scholarly works in the multidisciplinary areas of book studies, and to get your name out there. Book reviews should be between 750 and 1000 words in length. 

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Call for Applications: Editor of Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada

The Bibliographical Society of Canada/Société bibliographique du Canada (BSC/SbC) invites applications or expressions of interest for the position of Editor of the Society’s bilingual online scholarly journal, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada/Cahiers de la Société bibliographique du Canada. The Society and its online journal promote the study of the history, description, and transmission of texts in all media and formats, with an emphasis on Canada.

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Deadline extended: Call for Papers for “Book: Re-imagined and Re-born”

 On 29 -30 May 2023, Canada’s bibliographical and book studies community will gather for the Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences for our first in-person conference since 2019. 

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Call for Nominations: 2023 Marie Tremaine Medal

The Awards Committee invites nominations for the Marie Tremaine Medal, offered by the Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) for outstanding service to Canadian bibliography and for distinguished publication in either English or French in that field. The Tremaine Medal is accompanied by the Watters-Morley Prize, a $500 scholarly award.

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Call for applications: 2023 Emerging Scholar Prize

The Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) invites applications for the Emerging Scholar Prize. The Prize promotes the work of a researcher who is beginning a career in the fields of book history and bibliography broadly defined, including a study of the creation, production, publication, distribution, transmission, history, and uses of printed books, manuscripts, or electronic texts. Preference will be given to topics with a Canadian dimension.

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2023 BSC Fellowships – Call for applications

The Bibliographical Society of Canada (BSC) invites applications for the Marie Tremaine Fellowship and Bernard Amtmann Fellowship. 

Deadline for application: January 23, 2023

The Marie Tremaine Fellowship is offered in memory and through the generosity of Marie Tremaine (1902-1984), the doyenne of Canadian bibliographers. The Fellowship was instituted in 1987 and is offered annually to support the work of a scholar engaged in some area of bibliographical research, including textual studies and publishing history and with a particular emphasis on Canada. The amount of the Fellowship is $2,000.00. The recipient of the Marie Tremaine Fellowship also receives a free one-year membership in the society.

The Bernard Amtmann Fellowship is offered in memory of Bernard Amtmann (1907-1979), the noted bookseller and specialist in Canadiana. The Fellowship was instituted in 1992 and is offered to support the work of a scholar engaged in one of Bernard Amtmann’s principal areas of interest: Canadiana, book collecting, bookselling and bibliography. Special consideration is given to applications from those working on some aspect of the book trade. The Fellowship, which is in the amount of $1,500, is also open to non-Canadians and to those who are not members of the Society.

For further details and to download an application form please see the Fellowship & Awards page of the BSC website.

Bulletin 97: Call for Submissions

For its upcoming issue, the Bulletin of the Bibliographical Society of 
Canada (BSC) invites the submission of stories or news items of interest 
to bibliographers and book historians. Potential topics include past or 
upcoming events (exhibitions, book fairs, etc.), ongoing projects, 
upcoming publications. Submissions are welcome from both members and 
non-members of the BSC.

Submissions should range between 200 and 300 words in length and should 
be sent to by September 30, 2022.