Recipients of the Marie Tremaine Fellowship

2025: Noa Vigny Billick (Toronto Metropolitan University & York University) for her project READING CULTURE: Narratives of Survival of the People of the Book.

2024: Kristin Moriah (Queen’s University) for her project “Breaking Loose”: Black Self-Publishing in Ontario.

2023: Sarah Pelletier (Carleton University) for her project “Neither boy nor man” : Transnational Dimensions of Gender(ing), Race, and Labour in the Nineteenth-Century North American Typographical Trade and Press, 1850-1914.

2022: Mark Clintberg (Alberta University of the Arts) for his project, “Join, or Die”: The Integrity Fonds.

2021: Marie-José Ruiz (Université de Paris and Université de Picardie Jules Verne) her project, “MacDonald College Magazine: Archives of the Ontario Agricultural College and the MacDonald Institute for Domestic Science.”

2020: Susan R. Fisher (University of New Brunswick Libraries) for her project “The Children’s Books of Fredericton’s Brunswick Press: A Bibliographic History”.

2018: Joseph LaBine (University of Ottawa) for his project “A circular game with never any end: Grant Richards and J. G. Sime’s Correspondence Concerning ‘Sister Woman’”.

2016: Ruth Bradley-St-Cyr for her project ‘What is the legacy of the controversial 1970 sale of The Ryerson Press for Canadian publishing’.

2015: Alana Fletcher (Queen’s University) for her project, “The Story of the Story: Textual Interpretations of Uranium Mining on Great Bear Lake.”

2014: Alison Rukavina (Texas Tech University) for her project ‘Sam Steele’s Forty Years in Canada: Nation Building and Imperial Mythmaking’

2013: Benjamin Lefebvre (University of Guelph) for his three-volume critical anthology on L.M. Montgomery

2012: Ceilidh Hart (University of Toronto) for her project to expand the known bibliography of Isabella Valancy Crawford through an exploration of newspapers and periodicals held in Ottawa and Kingston

2011: Nicholas Giguère (Université de Sherbrooke) for his study of gay publishing in Quebec “le fonds Bernard Courte aux Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives (CLGA) de Toronto”

2009: Janet Friskney (Trent University; York University) for her research project “‘I want to be a paperback writer’: W.E. Dan Ross’s Adventures in Original Paperback Publishing”

2008: Judith Saltman (University of British Columbia and Gail Edwards (Douglas College, UBC) for their project “Picturing Canada: A History of Canadian Children’s Illustrated Books and Publishing”

2007: John Meier (Independent Scholar) for his research project “The Governor-General’s Literary Award for Fiction (1936-2006): A Descriptive Bibliography of first English-language Editions”

2006: Penney Clark (University of British Columbia) for her research project on “George Ross and the Toronto Textbook Ring: 1883-1906”

2005: Ruth Panofsky (Ryerson University) for her research project on “A History of the Macmillan Company of Canada”

2004: Bernard Katz (former Head, Special Collections, University of Guelph Library) for “L.M. Montgomery: A Descriptive Bibliography of her Books in English”

2003: Craig Wilson (Osgoode Hall Law School) for his research into the journal Secular Thought (Toronto, 1887-1911)

2002: Sandra Alston (University of Toronto) for her research project on pre-Confederation Ontario periodicals

1998: Carl Spadoni (McMaster University) to prepare a critical edition of Stephen Leacock’s Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

1997: Fiona Black (Regina Public Library) to create a database of the books available in Halifax, St. John, Montreal, Quebec, York and Kingston between 1752 and 1820

1995: Peter Mitham (Independent Scholar) for the first comprehensive annotated descriptive bibliography of Robert Service

1994: Philip Kokotailo (McGill University) to assist in compiling an annotated edition of Louis Dudek’s letters to Ezra Pound.

1992: Liz Driver (Independent Scholar) for locating holdings in British Columbia of Canadian cookbooks published before 1950

1990: Ruth Panofsky (Ryerson University) for bibliographical research into Thomas Chandler Haliburton’s The Clockmaker

1988: Carl Spadoni (McMaster University) for his project: an investigation into the Canadian edition of Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind by the Macmillan Company of Canada