Virtual Annual Conference of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
“At the Threshold: Looking Forward, Looking Back”
16–18 May 2022
See PDF version of the program here
MONDAY MAY 16, 2022
Keynote panel – 11-12.30pm EST
Finding Another Country in the Stacks: Decentering
Whiteness within Special Collections, Bibliography and Book History
Congress Open Event, with support from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences International Keynote Speaker Support Fund
Presenters: Hannah Claus, Concordia University
David Fernández, University of Toronto
Désirée Rochat, Concordia University, l’Université du Québec à Montréal
Chairs: Rachel Harris, Concordia University
Philippe Mongeau, University of Delaware
Session 1, Women Readers, Authors, and Bookbinders
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm EST
“Under Cover(s): The Forgotten Endpapers of Suzanne Roussy,” Danielle
Van Wagner, University of Toronto
“The Maritime Labor Herald’s Women’s Column and Interwar Socialist
Feminism,” Billy Johnson, University of Toronto
(Greta Golick Award winner)
“Writing the Colonial Girl: Books Gifted to Charlotte Kathleen ‘Pussy’ O’Reilly,
1875-1879,” Katherine DeCoste, University of Victoria
Chair: Svetlana Kochkina, McGill University
4:00 pm –5:30 pm EST
BSC/SbC members will receive a Zoom invitation via email from Chris Young
Session 2, Graduate-student Awards Winners
11:00 am –12:30 pm EST
“Ancient Egyptian Religion and Funerary Practices: Examining the
Iconography of the Cartonnage Papyri at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book
Library,” Chana Algarvio, University of Toronto
(BSC-SbC Congress Graduate Merit Award winner)
“La mise en fiction du livre dans Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se
fatiguer de Dany Laferrière,” Julia Galmiche-Essue, University of Toronto
(BSC-SbC Emerging Scholar Prize winner)
“James Brady’s Personal Library: A Partial Reading of Metis Anti-Colonial
Socialism,” Eric MacPherson, McMaster University
(BSC-SbC Congress Graduate Merit Award winner)
Chair: Christopher Lyons, McGill University
Session 3, Looking Back: Memory, Imagination
1:30 pm –3:00 pm EST
“The Shtetl Imagined: Maps and Memory in 20th Century Yizkor bikher,”
Sophie Edelhart, University of Toronto
(Greta Golick Award Winner)
“Together and Apart Over Time: Text and Image in the Coloured Fairy Books
series,” Rachel Harris, Concordia University
“Evolving Authorial Authority: Investigating Twitter and AO3 in the Context of
the Harry Potter Fandom,” Tanvi Mohile, University of Alberta
Chair: Myron Groover, McMaster University
Session 4, Looking Forward: Text Beyond the Page
4:00 pm –5:30 pm EST
“What the Book Got Right, or, Lots of Static Copies Keep Stuff Safe,” Martin
Holmes & Janelle Jenstad, University of Victoria
“Reimagining the Role of Chapbook Images,” Melissa McAfee, Desiree
Scholtz, & Brittney Annan, University of Guelph
“Beyond the Reprint: Towards A Conceptual Framework for the Scholarly
Editing of Photobooks,” Michel Hardy-Vallée, Concordia University
Chair: Chelsea Shriver, University of British Columbia
Session 5, Liminality: Book History across Borders and Boundaries
11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Session 5, Liminality: Book History across Borders and Boundaries
“Unclaimed Authors: The Place of Migrants in Book History,” Katelin Marit
Parsons, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
“Bibliographical Borderlands and the Place of the Text,” Susan Paterson
Glover, Laurentian University
Chair: Myron Groover, McMaster University
Session 6, Embodiment: Physicality and Iteration
1:30 pm –3:00 pm EST
“The Circulation and Critical Reception of Carl Franz van der Velde’s Historical
Novels in the 19th Century,” Larissa de Assumpção, State University of
“Object Positions: Reading the Book as Bodies,” Kate Ozment, California
State Polytechnic University, Pomona
“Braille Bibliography,” Ellen Forget, University of Toronto
Chair: Mathieu Bouchard, McGill University
Session 7, Tangible Legacies
4:00 pm –5:30 pm EST
“MSVU’s MacDonald Collection: Past, Present, Future,” Alina Ruiz, Mount
Saint Vincent University
“Printing a Future for Yiddish in Canada through Active Use of Tangible
Primary Sources,” Leora Bromberg, University of Toronto
Chair: Susan Cameron, St. Francis Xavier University
Mathieu Bouchard, Conference Committee
Susan Cameron, Conference Committee
Myron Groover, Conference Committee
Rachel Harris, Conference Committee
Svetlana Kochkina, Conference Committee Chair
Christopher Lyons, Awards Committee
Philippe Mongeau, Conference Committee
Scott Schofield, Awards Committee Chair
Chelsea Shriver, Conference Committee
Danielle Van Wagner, Awards Committee
Chris J. Young, BSC-SbC President