Call for Papers : Congress 2016

Call for Papers

Gatherings: Communities of Print and the Book
Annual Meeting of the Bibliographical Society of Canada
30-31 May 2016
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Calgary

In May 2016, the Bibliographical Society of Canada invites scholars to shift their communities of readers, communities of writers, communities of the book and of print. Organizers invite paper proposals linked to the following topics or any area broadly related to the conference theme. perspective from the national and global scale and to consider the printed word, the book, and texts on the micro-scale of the community. In tandem with the general Congress theme of “Energizing Communities,” the BSC-SbC will showcase papers by scholars examining:

      • Local and regional printers and publishers and their networks
      • The local and regional press: newspapers, newsletters, periodicals, almanacs
      • Print and online publications and ephemera of counter-culture, grassroots and activist movements
      • Authors and illustrators and their engagement with local and regional communities
      • Rural and urban public libraries
      • Microhistories of reading
      • The Canadian small press scene
      • Local, regional, and national book clubs
      • DIY publication and ‘zines
      • Book festivals
      • The bibliographical and book historical community in Canada – past, present and future

A one-page proposal and a brief biography of the author (one that includes full name, professional designation [professor, librarian, graduate student, etc.], institutional affiliation or place) should be submitted to:

Those invited to present papers must register for the BSC-SbC conference.

Deadline: Friday, 15 January 2016.

Please note that the Bibliographical Society of Canada will be involved in joint sessions at the 2016 Congress. Special calls, with earlier deadlines, will be issued separately for these joint sessions.

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